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Send Thanks!

Making an honor donation to OMRF and sending a thank you card is a great way to express appreciation and gratitude. You not only recognize someone's goodwill, you are demonstrating a commitment to supporting efforts to improve healthcare outcomes and find cures for human disease.

👏 Send Thanks and Support OMRF!

Choose an amount to donate One-time
OMRF is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. Your donation may also qualify for the Oklahoma Biomedical Tax Credit. Please see below for more information.

✍️ Inside Card Message

Inside Top Panel:
You can customize the message placed here when you complete your donation.

Inside Bottom Panel:
We are delighted to inform you that a generous gift has been made in your honor to the Oklahoma Medical Research foundation by

(Donor Information Here)

We hope this gesture brings a smile to your face knowing that your good works have helped support medical research. Thank you!

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